The most important Internet marketing secret isn’t about Google page one ranking

The most important Internet marketing secret isn’t about Google page one ranking


09/29/2012 // West Palm Beach, FL, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras // (press release)

What is inbound marketing for lawyers, you may ask and what does it have to do with lawyer Internet marketing? Inbound marketing is an Internet tactic that involves making your website easy to find and attracting new prospects to your website by providing them with content that fulfills their needs. It is a more passive approach than buying ads, sending direct mail or using other similar tactics to get noticed.

Extremely important to the effort is the ability to have optimized content published on third party news sites using real simple syndication (RSS) feeds. When properly executed and the articles are woven with SEO as the connecting thread, the results will be qualified prospects who aren’t looking simply to “kick the tires.”

You don’t have to look back very far to a time when public relations agencies for lawyers were hired to push local newspapers or magazines to write about their client’s law firms, which often brought clients in through the front door.

This was a more effective vehicle to generate business when consumers took the time to read printed material and discovered stories about law firms. Over the last fifteen years these news entities have experienced a steady decline in their readership and consequently traditional public relations has suffered a serious blow as a result.

How can you create visibility through RSS feeds?

1) There are online press release web platforms with tremendous news distribution networks. Find the ones that best suit your needs. Typically these are pay as you go.

2) Avoid the free services as they are receiving less consideration from Google since the recent Panda Penguin updates.

3) Give proper attribution and credit to your sources when crafting content, check to ensure you are not using duplicate content; the fresher the better.

4) Social media has to be part of your equation so select services that can provide social media inclusion.

5) If you are not using Google + then you are missing the boat. AuthorRank is considered extremely important to provide credibility to articles and posts.

Learning to create a comfort level for your future clients before they are even aware you exist is what inbound marketing is all about. Everyone that is looking to purchase goods or services is looking for some kind of reference, either in the form of an endorsement or recommendation; this is where the true value of inbound lawyer marketing lies. Consumers most importantly are looking to find a credible lawyer who will, at the end of the day, take care of their injury, accident or legal related issue.

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Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
Url: Lawyer marketing – Rene Perras

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