Same-sex marriage cases approaching high court

Same-sex marriage cases approaching high court


05/12/2012 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // justicenews // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Washington, D.C. – Two cases concerning the controversial issue of marriage equality for gay couples are expected to reach the Supreme Court as early as this year. As reported by Reuters, the two major cases from California and Massachusetts concern whether same-sex marriage recognition can be refused by state or federal governments.

Attorneys for same-sex couples in the case from California, where voters agreed to pass a measure implementing a ban on marriage between gay couples in 2008, are seeking to have the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit to discontinue being involved so that the issue could be settled by the Supreme Court. Same-sex marriage is permitted in Massachusetts, however, couples cannot receive federal benefits afforded to heterosexual couples, which is the issue some are seeking to have changed.

President Barack Obama recently revealed publicly that he supports gay marriage, which drew both strong criticism and favorable support this week.

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