Dallas Employment Law Specialist Offers Tips to Avoid Legal Liability at the Company Party

Dallas Employment Law Specialist Offers Tips to Avoid Legal Liability at the Company Party


/cdklawyers.com// 12/10/2011

While a company party should be a time for fun and merriment, an employer must prepare carefully to avoid potential legal issues. Dallas employment lawyer Keith Clouse provides the following tips.


First, an employer should consider the added legal exposure that serving alcohol can bring. To avoid alcohol-related problems, an employer may wish to host an alcohol-free party or take steps to limit employees’ alcohol consumption.


Second, an employer should ensure that no employee feels obligated to attend the party. An employer should also avoid tying the party to a celebration associated with a particular religion. Doing so can help an employer avoid claims of religious discrimination.


Finally, an employer should remind employees that the general code of conduct applies, including the rules relating to sexual harassment. Some employees may incorrectly believe that if sexual advances are made off-site or during non-working hours, no consequences exist. A reminder can prevent potential problems. That said, if any employee complains about inappropriate conduct occurring at the office party, an employer should immediately investigate the complaint in the same way it would investigate any other complaint of similar behavior.


To speak to Mr. Clouse or to another Dallas employment law specialist about employment law issues arising in the workplace, contact the employment law legal team at Clouse Dunn LLP at [email protected]


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