Lawyer Marketing: Law Firm-Created Accident App a Big Waste of Time?

Lawyer Marketing: Law Firm-Created Accident App a Big Waste of Time?


10/26/2011 // Palm Beach, FL, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras

This is a great example of a law firm in California that apparently had too much time on their hands. While the intention to create an app to help market personal injury lawyers sounds interesting, it is really just a waste of time. Everything you can do with the app can already be done with the iPhone. Not to mention iPhone users typically have dozens of apps; so honestly who’s going to remember that they downloaded it, let alone use in the event of an accident.

Media Information:

Address: 315 South Olive, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
Url: Lawyer marketing – Rene Perras

Read the full story on:Law Firm Creates Car Accident App

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