Rene Perras Reports – The Pitfalls Of Lawyer Marketing: Is Bigger Always Better?

Rene Perras Reports – The Pitfalls Of Lawyer Marketing: Is Bigger Always Better?


09/02/2011 // West Palm Beach, FL, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras

Many law firms across the country choose the giants of the legal publishing industry to assist them in their lawyer marketing efforts. Perhaps there is a comfort zone, since there is already a great familiarity with many of the research, publishing, case law and directory services also provided by these organizations. While there is no doubt that behemoths such as Findlaw and Lexis Nexis have great knowledge of the legal profession and lawyers, Rene Perras, lawyer marketing professional, questions whether providers of this size and stature can truly provide custom web marketing and SEO for lawyers. “I don’t believe that one size fits all when it comes to lawyer Internet marketing or attorney websites,” says Rene Perras.

For one thing, many of the lawyer websites designed by these large firms look so much alike, if you were to change the firm names you might not be able to tell them apart. As your law firm website is often the first impression that a prospect may receive for your firm, wouldn’t it be prudent to clearly differentiate your firm from your competition? Mr. Perras prefers not to build websites based on templates and offers customization on interior pages, not just the home page. The state Bar rules often make it hard enough to create a brand for law firms, so it is important to draw distinctions between competing firms.

In addition, although a large percentage of your law firm website content may be developed specifically for your firm, these large providers often lease the same specialized practice area content to multiple firms, potentially creating a duplicate content issue and adversely effecting any search engine optimization efforts your firm may be undertaking.

Another of the key advantages to utilizing a smaller lawyer marketing company is that they view the relationship as more of a partnership or collaboration. A few dissatisfied customers to a large concern like fast food giant McDonalds is of less concern than to a smaller concern that limits the number of customers it takes on. Perras believes that this “relationship building is key to the mutual success of both our clients and our organization.” Taking a hands on approach to forming these relationships requires the involvement of the key players in smaller companies, not just a customer service rep who has been assigned to your account.

If you are considering embarking on an attorney Internet marketing program and would like to learn more about Cepac’s custom attorney websites, private label legal newsrooms or any other lawyer marketing strategies, contact Rene Perras or visit

Media Information:

Address: 215 S. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach, FL
Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
Url: Lawyer marketing – Rene Perras

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