Lawyer Website Design: Client Relationships Start with a Strong Law Firm Website

Lawyer Website Design: Client Relationships Start with a Strong Law Firm Website


06/01/2011 // New York, NY, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras

(Lawyer Website Design News) — Potential clients scrutinize law firms every day, judging whether the particular attorney is “good enough” or has the right credentials to represent them in their case. But, what many law firms don’t realize is potential clients are judging them by their lawyer website and comparing them to other law firms, before they ever pick up the phone. Your lawyer website is your law firm’s first impression, and you know how the old saying goes: “The first impression is a lasting impression.”

Lawyer websites are the foundation when building a relationship with potential clients; and if a potential client isn’t comfortable enough to pick up the phone and call your attorneys after looking at your lawyer website, then your lawyer website needs a major overhaul.

A recent study conducted by OnePoll showed that 70 percent of consumers will not buy (or in a lawyers case, call and hire the attorney) from a company (or law firm) with a poorly designed website.

Your lawyer website design is essentially an external reflection of your law firm and your law firm’s brand; your image matters above and beyond your attorney’s legal expertise. A well-developed law firm website can capture a consumer’s focus, and improve your chances of converting them into a bona fide prospect through a well-executed lawyer website design. Persuading potential clients to pick up the phone and call is, at the end of the day, what it is all about.

Here are a few pointers lawyers should remember when creating a client-friendly lawyer website:

• Speed Matters: Fast loading speed will make the potential clients experience on your lawyer website more pleasurable, keeping them from clicking off your lawyer website because of slow page loading.

• Navigation: Easy navigation developed on your lawyer website design will help potential clients get to the information they need easier, which is important in building relationships and key to converting web traffic to new cases. If they can’t find the legal information they are seeking or contact information easily enough, it is likely they will move on to the next law firm.

• Make Your Lawyer Website Stand Out: Logos, eye-catching visuals, law firm videos, and readily available information will help to eliminate lawyer shopping, keep consumers engaged and instill confidence in the potential client. After all, lawyer websites are all about establishing a relationship before the potential client picks up the phone, make them feel confident about their decision to call your attorneys. Most importantly, make sure that your content is relevant.

• Make Your Lawyer Website Mobile Friendly: As the popularity of smartphones is rising, more and more people are surfing the Web from their phone. It is imperative for lawyer websites to be configured for mobile use. Your law firm could be missing out on a whole demographic of consumers and can be missing out on cases, all because people were searching for a lawyer from their phone while at an accident scene, or a doctors office following an accident.

Most of all, lawyers should design their lawyer website with the potential client in mind. Chances are the potential client is already apprehensive about hiring an attorney in the first place, so make it easier and a more comfortable experience for them.

If you keep client relationships as the number one priority, I promise the clients will reward you handsomely in personal recommendations and new cases. So start your attorney-client relationship on the right foot, with a client-friendly lawyer website Design.

At CEPAC lawyer marketing we are experienced in developing lawyer website designs that build positive attorney-client relationships. CEPAC-engineered lawyer marketing websites are consumer and SEO friendly, giving your law firm website the fastest possible website that can be found on Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Working with a team like CEPAC lawyer marketing, that is cognizant of the user experience and expert in search engine optimization and marketing for law firms will ensure that your firm has the best possible chance to grow your business now and into the future.

For more information on lawyer website designs contact Rene Perras or visit

Media Information:

Address: 208 East 51st Street
Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
Url: Lawyer marketing – Rene Perras

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