Lawsuits mount after Toyota announced additional recalls

Lawsuits mount after Toyota announced additional recalls


Legal news for product liability attorneys. Consumers claim they are loosing economic value of their vehicles due to stopped sales and recalls.

Product liability attorneys alert- Class-action lawsuits are being filed in the wake of the massive Toyota recalls.

West Palm Beach, FL—On the heels of Toyota’s big announcement on January 26, 2010, stating that they will stop selling eight models and recalled an additional 2.3 million vehicles, Toyota automobile owners have begun to flood courthouses across the country with lawsuits. Consumers are suing the automaker for lost economic value of the cars, and instances where their have experienced some sort of unintended acceleration, as reported by the National Law Journal.

One lawsuit, which was filed on Friday, January 29, 2010 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, which is seeking $1 billion in damages in behalf of nationwide class of consumers. About 15 law firms have been working together in the Florida-filed lawsuit, and plan to file another three dozen more lawsuits in the next two weeks in 25 states. In the coming days, consumer class-action lawsuits are going to be filed in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Eight more lawsuits have also been filed since Friday in federal courts in Texas, California, Louisiana, South Carolina, Ohio and Canada. Most of the lawsuits have been class-action lawsuits, which claim their Toyota vehicles have lost economic value since the announcement of the recall. In a large number of the cases, the lead plaintiffs have encountered some sort of unintended acceleration with their vehicles, but did not have any actual injuries.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for product liability lawyers.

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