Toxicology reveals baby died of multiple drug intoxication

Toxicology reveals baby died of multiple drug intoxication


Legal News for Ohio Personal Injury Attorneys. Toxicology reports revealed that baby was given wrong cold medication, resulting in death.

Ohio personal injury attorney alerts- Montgomery County Coroner’s office stated too much medication killed baby.

Dayton, OH—The Montgomery County Coroner’s office ruled that a baby who tragically died in November was given too much over-the-counter medicine. Toxicology reports revealed on Thursday, January 21, 2010, that the baby died of “multiple drug intoxication”, according to information provided by

Parents are urged to pay close attention to the type of medicine they are choosing to treat typical illnesses such as the common cold because medications vary depending on the ailment and the age of the individual receiving treatment. The 7-month-old baby boy was tragically killed after allegedly being administered the wrong cold medication on accident, according to County Coroner Dr. James Davis. He reportedly stated that since the dosage of the medicine was too high, the drug proved to be lethal rather than beneficial to the infant. The toxicology allegedly disclosed that the baby was given a “dose compared with an adult, certainly not a seven-month old”.

Since not all over-the-counter drugs for kids act in the same way, parents must be very aware of the warning labels and important dosage guidelines printed on medicine packaging. Davis reportedly also advised parents to keep a list of the times which the baby is being administered medication to make sure they are not being given excessive amounts of the drug, which can consequently pose a serious danger to the health of the infant.

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for Personal Injury Lawyers.

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