Coast Guard searches for U.S. Navy Pilot after plane crashed into lake

Coast Guard searches for U.S. Navy Pilot after plane crashed into lake


Legal News for Louisiana Aviation Accident Attorneys. Search for U.S. Navy pilot whose plane crashed into Lake Pontchartrain continues.

Louisiana aviation accident attorney alerts- Plane crashed into lake; U.S. Navy pilot missing.

New Orleans, LA—A U.S. Navy plane crashed into Lake Pontchartrain, located outside out New Orleans, Louisiana, on Saturday night, January 23, 2010. There were allegedly two U.S. Navy pilots occupying the aircraft at the time of the wreck, according to information provided by CNN News.

The U.S. Coast Guard was allegedly informed that a U.S. Navy T-34 training plane had disappeared from the radar at 6:40 p.m. CT Saturday. Upon being notified by air traffic controllers at New Orleans, Louisiana’s Lakefront Airport, a helicopter and two small boats were dispatched from the Coast Guard Station in New Orleans to search for the lost aircraft. Initial reports allegedly stated that the pilots were “clinging to the aircraft before it sank” though only one pilot was found by responding Coast Guard rescue teams. The rescued pilot was allegedly transported to the hospital to be treated by medical professionals. Authorities have not disclosed his identity and condition.

Search efforts went on until dark on Sunday night and were allegedly to be continued Monday. The Coast Guard, with hopes of finding the missing Navy pilot, is probing a 5- by 7-mile stretch of the lake, located approximately a mile away from the airport. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries are also aiding in the search. It is unknown what may have caused the aviation accident.

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for Louisiana Aviation Accident Lawyers.

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