Autistic boy stranded at school- Bus driver tries to drop off wrong kid

Autistic boy stranded at school- Bus driver tries to drop off wrong kid


Legal news for California personal injury attorneys. School bus brings wrong child home, autistic boy left at school.

California personal injury lawyers alerts- A school bus driver tried to drop off the wrong child, leaving an autistic boy at school.

Stockton, CA—An autistic boy was left stranded at school, after a substitute bus driver tried to bring the wrong child home. Fortunately, an aid was with the boy at school on Wednesday, January 13, 2010, so he was never left alone when the mix-up occurred, as reported by CBS 13.

Erica, the mother of 5-year-old Javier, stated “My sitter said ‘that’s not the right boy,’ the bus driver said ‘this is the one they gave me.’ He’s not a package, he’s a little boy.” Apparently the bus driver for First Student Bus Company had the wrong boy, and instead left the 5-year-old at school. A spokesperson for the bus company stated, “As per our company policy, she did not permit the student to exit the bus; rather, she contacted dispatch immediately and transported the student to the correct bus… Unfortunately, the driver misunderstood that she was to return to the school to pick up the correct student. We sincerely apologize to the student and his parents for this misunderstanding.” Little Javier did make it home safely, but his mother is furious. Erica stated, “If it were a sex offender, that child would have never been able to scream or yell to let them know this is the wrong person.” The school district a conducting a full investigation into the matter.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for California personal injury lawyers.

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