Patient addicted to painkillers commits suicide, doctor sued

Patient addicted to painkillers commits suicide, doctor sued


Legal News for Florida Wrongful Death Attorneys. Lawsuit filed against Fort Lauderdale doctor after patient commits suicide.

Wrongful death lawsuit alleges doctor is at fault in patients suicide after he became addicted to medication.

Fort Lauderdale, FL—A wrongful death lawsuit has been brought upon a Fort Lauderdale Doctor by the family of a man who allegedly commit suicide after becoming addicted to painkillers prescribed by the doctor, according to information provided by the Miami Herald.

The lawsuit was filed in Broward County Circuit Court on Tuesday, December 22. The suit alleges that Dr. Michael Lazzopina prescribed addictive painkillers as well as anti-anxiety drugs, to be taken on a regular basis, to the Coral Springs electrician, Benjamin Eiseman, 30, from 2005 to 2008. Eisman reportedly overdosed on pills he was prescribed from Lazzopina, who works part-time at the Fort Lauderdale Pain Relief Center.

Months before MRI test results could confirm a back injury, Eisman was allegedly prescribed oxycodone. Lazzopina also failed to reduce the dosage of the painkiller once his back pain subsided to a more tolerable degree. The doctor also reportedly failed to refer Eisman to a drug addiction expert who may have been able to aid him in regards to that issue.

On the other hand, Lazzopina’s attorney allegedly claimed that the former-patient was seeing different doctors in an attempt to acquire more painkillers. This method of acquiring prescription medication from multiple sources is often referred to as “doctor shopping”. Illegal substances were also detected in Eisman’s system after an autopsy was conducted. It was also noted that domestic dissension could have allegedly been the reason for his suicide, seeing as his wife kicked him out of their home just days prior to his suicide. It was reported by Lazzopina’s lawyer that neither the doctor, nor clinic is at fault in this case.

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for Florida Wrongful Death Lawyers.

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