Two injured after car and light rail train collision in Minnesota

Two injured after car and light rail train collision in Minnesota


Legal news for Minnesota train accident attorneys. Failed brakes are the probable cause of a crash between a train and a car.

Train accident lawyers alert-A mechanical malfunction in a Chevy Malibu likely caused it to crash into a Metro Transit train in Bloomington.

Bloomington, MN—A mechanical malfunction in a Chevrolet Malibu is believed to be the cause of a collision between a light rail train and the car. Two people reported neck and back injuries after the collision, which took place on Monday, December 28, 2009 around 12:05 p.m., as the car was exiting eastbound Interstate 494 toward 34th Avenue S., as reported by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

According to officials, a woman was exiting Interstate 494 while driving a Chevy Malibu, when her brakes failed as she approached the Metro Transit’s Hiawatha Line train that was traveling southbound. The driver of the car reportedly told police officials that she desperately tried to apply the emergency brake, but wasn’t able to stop before driving in front of the light rail train. The operator of the two-car train managed to slow down before striking the car. The driver of the car and a passenger aboard the train sustained neck and back injuries in the crash. Both injured victims were rushed by emergency medical services (EMS) teams to area hospitals for treatment of their injuries by doctors and nurses. Metro Transit and police investigators are reportedly conducting a full investigation into the accident. At this time no charges have been filed. It is believed that a mechanical failure within the Chevy caused the crashed.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for Minnesota train accident lawyers.

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