Louisiana Motorcycle Accident – Police chief injured after being thrown from motorcycle

Louisiana Motorcycle Accident – Police chief injured after being thrown from motorcycle


Legal News for Louisiana Motorcycle Accident Attorneys. Police chief hits brakes, ejecting him from motorcycle; motorcycle rear-ends car.

Baton Rouge police chief injured after being thrown from motorcycle which struck a car.

Baton Rouge, LA—A Baton Rouge police chief was thrown from his department-issued motorcycle after rear-ending another vehicle on Saturday, December 19, 2009, according to information provided by 2theadvocate.com. The incident allegedly occurred around 1:45 p.m., when the eastbound motorcycle police chief, Jeff LeDuff, was exiting Interstate 10 and Siegen Lane. Reports state that when the chief hit his brakes, he was ejected from the motorcycle, subsequently causing the motorcycle to glide along the roadway, hitting another vehicle. Eyewitnesses at the scene reportedly noticed that another vehicle cut into the lane shared by both LeDuff and Carla Smith, the driver of the 2003 Lincoln LS that was hit by the motorcycle. This allegedly caused traffic in that lane to come to an abrupt stop, though the driver was never to be found.

Chief Jeff LeDuff was transported by emergency medical personnel to Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center to be treated for the moderate injuries he sustained after being thrown from the motorcycle. LeDuff was treated by doctors and nurses and released within hours of his arrival at the hospital. The Lincoln driver was reportedly uninjured in the crash though her car sustained some damage. None of the individuals involved were cited in the wreck.

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for Louisiana Motorcycle Accident Lawyers.

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