Washington personal injury – Window Washer free falls

Washington personal injury – Window Washer free falls


Legal news for Washington personal injury attorneys. A window washer plummeted 8 stories and sustained non-life threatening injuries.

Washington personal injury attorneys alerts-A window washer fell 8 stories down the side of a building.

Seattle, WA—A window washer miraculously survived a horrifying accident in downtown Seattle, when he plummeted 8 stories down a side of a high rise building. The worker managed to walk away with only minor injuries after he stopped just inches from the ground on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at the Broadacres building near Second Avenue and Pine Street, as reported by Komo News.

According to the Seattle Fire Department, a window washer free-fell eight stories before his rope caught on the second story, which softened the impact of the fall. Witnesses reported seeing the worker falling down the side of the building and his loud screams as he passed by the employees inside the building’s windows. A part of the worker’s body even smashed through the seventh floor window before he bounced back out and continued to fall to the ground. The employees inside the building rushed outside to help the man, but they discovered him dangling about a foot from the ground. His hands and legs reportedly hit the ground while the rest of his torso was hanging above the ground. It is unknown what caused the window washer to fall down the exterior of the building. He reportedly only broke a finger in the terrifying accident. It is unknown if he was transported to an area hospital for treatment. An investigation is underway.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for Washington personal injury lawyers.

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