Fall at CPS Energy plant left worker dead

Fall at CPS Energy plant left worker dead


Legal news for Texas construction accident attorneys. A worker plummeted 30 feet at the JK Spruce II project site.

Occupational Health and Safety Administration alert Texas construction accident lawyers- A construction accident left a contract worker dead after 30-foot fall.

San Antonio, TX—A contract worker was killed in an accident at a CPS Energy power plant. The 27-year-old worker died after falling nearly 30 feet to his death on Monday, October 26, 2009 around 11:45 p.m., at the JK Spruce II project located in the 9500 block of Gardner Road on the north side of the lake, as reported by the San Antonio Express.

According to CPS Energy officials, a contract worker employed by Calaveras Power Partners was installing a new piece of catwalk at the construction site, when the worker stepped on an unsecured portion of the catwalk, which caused it to tip. The worker then lost his balance and fell nearly 30 feet to the ground. A coworker, who was working with the man at the time of the accident, stated the man was wearing a safety harness, but didn’t have it secured to anything. Responding emergency medical services (EMS) professionals pronounced the worker dead around 12:30 a.m.

The identity of the deceased worker has not been released at this time. Reportedly, 1,400 Calaveras Power Partners employees are working at the plant at this time. The plant is expected to be operational in early 2010. Officials with the federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) http://www.osha.gov/ are conducting a full investigation into the fatal fall.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for Texas construction accident lawyers.

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