New Orleans Lawyers file 150 toxic Chinese dry wall lawsuits!

New Orleans Lawyers file 150 toxic Chinese dry wall lawsuits!


Federal court records indicate hundreds of lawsuits claiming injuries and damages from toxic Chinese drywall will receive class action suit status in New Orleans.

Louisiana product liability lawyers-Class action suit in New Orleans federal court for defective drywall made in China causing health problems and home damages.

New Orleans, LA–Chinese drywall has become the target of mass litigation throughout the southern United States amongst product liability lawyers. Close to 150 lawsuits have already been filed with nearly a dozen in Mississippi. The drywall used in home construction has been blamed for numerous health problems by home owners and residents and is being coined the new asbestos as reported by the The defective product claims will be consolidated into a class action claim in a New Orleans federal court.

Drywall is the main material typically used for interior walls and ceilings in homes and is also called Sheetrock, wallboard, and gypsum board. Post Hurricane Katrina construction companies used numerous different suppliers of the much needed drywall, and China manufactured wallboard was a staple in many new homes and rebuilding projects. The Florida housing boom saw a rise of Chinese drywall in new homes, and homeowners complain of a rotten egg smell, corrosion to appliances and housing structure, and cite numerous health problems in the hundreds of individual product liability cases filed. Mississippi product injury lawyers claim, next to Florida and Louisiana, their state has the highest incidence of defective drywall. This claim is based on the tremendous amount of construction and repair after Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina victims in Louisiana and Mississippi still continue to suffer even after the rebuilding and repair of their homes and structures because of the suspected defective drywall made in China according to hundreds of people. The Associated Press reported 400 plaintiffs and 20 defendants filled out “profile forms” for the defective Chinese drywall legal action. Earlier this summer, the federal court in New Orleans was selected as the venue for the class action claim. The New Orleans Saints football coach and his wife moved out of their Mandeville, Louisiana home while awaiting the demolition of the drywall, according to the lawsuit their product liability attorneys filed. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tested a small sampling of the Chinese manufactured drywall and discovered sulfur and other materials. The federal investigators with the EPA suggested additional testing of the Chinese wallboard. If you or someone you know is suffering from allergic reactions, sinus and throat irritations, respiratory issues and coughing, eye problems or any other health issues and believe their drywall could be contaminated, contacting a product injury attorney may help you recover from your injuries and receive compensation.

Louisiana product liability information by legal news reporter Heather L. Ryan.

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