Kentucky personal injury resulted in verdict against DuPont

Kentucky personal injury resulted in verdict against DuPont


Legal news for Kentucky personal injury lawyers.

Kentucky jury returns over $1.25 million verdict to DuPont injury victims.

Louisville, KY– Dupont has been ordered by a federal jury on Monday, July 13, 2009 to pay more than $1.25 million to six people injured from a sulfuric acid spill at the eastern Kentucky plant five years ago. Dupont has been found at fault for skin burns, eye irritations, and respiratory and eye problems sustained by the citizens of Wurtland, Kentucky who reside near the plant, as reported by

The toxic leak occurred on October 11, 2004, which stemmed from a cracked pipe located at the chemical plant. The leak caused sulfuric trioxide, which forms whit clouds containing tiny droplets of sulfuric acid, to be released into the air. The reported injuries from the toxic leak occurred in victims in age ranges of 18 months to 80 years old. Dupont has adamantly fought the claims, stating they gave adequate warnings to the neighbors residing near the plant. Dupont alleges the warnings addressed the leak and the chemical company maintains they are not responsible for any injuries.

The four-phased lawsuit opened up for another 173 people who sued Dupont over damages from the leak. Jurors residing over the case awarded $130,000 in compensatory damages for past and future medical bills. In addition, plaintiffs were awarded 10-times the compensatory damages as a punitive award. If Dupont decided to appeal the federal verdict, the chemical company will have to wait until all 179 plaintiff’s cases are resolved.

News Contributor: Nicole Howley-Legal news for Kentucky personal injury lawyers.

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