Aviation accident news UPDATE:Caspian Airlines plane crash

Aviation accident news UPDATE:Caspian Airlines plane crash


Legal news for New York aviation accident attorneys.

Caspian Airlines plane crash suspected to be caused by technical problems.

New York, NY–The Caspian Airline commercial plane which crashed on Wednesday, is speculated to have gone down due to technical problems rather than piloting error, according to BBC News.

The Russian-built Tupolev airliner, which crashed into farmlands in the Qazvin province, killed all 153 passengers and 15 crew members on board. The commercial plane was flying from Tehran, Iran to Yerevan, Armenia when it nose-dived just 16 minutes after take-off with its tail on fire. According to the Deputy Transport Minister, the pilot flying the commercial jet was highly experienced and the crash was “likely due to technical problems.” Officials reported the flight data recorders, or otherwise known as “black boxes”, were recovered but are severely damaged. The data recorders were found among the wreckage, which was scattered over a large area. The black boxes may be sent to Russia, where they were manufactured, for help with the analysis. On Thursday, Family members, and friends of the victims of the Caspian crash joined together at the crash site for a religious ceremony honoring the fallen passengers and crew members. The charred and badly damaged remains of the deceased have been transported to Tehran for identification. The relatives of the victims are reportedly collecting at least $45,216 in compensation. Memorial attendees were reportedly seen throwing flowers into the crater created by the plane when it plummeted to the ground.

Since 1979, trade embargos imposed by the Western nations have forced Iran to purchase Russian-built planes to compensate for an existing fleet of Boeings and various other American and European airline models. The sanctions have made it very difficult to acquire spare parts to repair their European planes, and the parts for the Russian planes are even harder to get since the fall of the Soviet Union.

News Contributor: Nicole Howley- Legal news for aviation accident attorneys

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