U.S. motorcycle deaths increase with baby boomers buying bikes

U.S. motorcycle deaths increase with baby boomers buying bikes


Motorcycle deaths rise in America reports NHTSA/bike wreck injury lawyers. Baby boomers’ wanting Harley-Davidsons leads to rise in motorcycle injury and death.

December 10, 2008, West Palm Beach, FL (JusticeNewsFlash.com)–Top Justice biker safety and news informers for JusticeNewsFlash.com (JNF) alert The number people killed in motorcycle crashes in the U.S. rose from 2,116 in 1997 to 5,154 in 2007. These figures according to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov are staggering. National and regional safety specialists with NHTSA and West Palm Beach motorcycle wreck injury lawyers say motorcycling has become a new fad, especially amongst baby boomers. Increased numbers of motorcycles have led to more motorcycle crashes and fatalities. The expanse of great weather and open road in Florida has led to a rise in motorcycle ownership. More recent increases in ownership have also been fueled by rising gas costs and the need to conserve especially amongst our retirees.

JNF informers, specializing in motorcycle wreck injury news and biker safety guidelines along with NHTSA, report the following information to reduce the number of motorcycle crashes and fatalities on our roadways nationally and locally:

-Number of registered motorcycles in the U.S. is up 75 percent in the last 10 years
-There were 6.6 million registered motorcycles in the U.S. In 2007
-Nationwide, 41 percent of 4,833 killed riders were not wearing helmets.
-Riders don’t take motorcycle riding training and safety courses
-Lack of helmet laws nationwide is contributing to fatalities
-Florida does not require motorcycle riders to wear helmets

Justice biker safety advocates are urging all Floridians and Americans to be aware of bikers on our roadways and highways. Motorcycle wrecks typically cause traumatic brain damage and spinal cord injury. Many riders die because of these injuries. If you or someone you know has been injured or died in a motorcycle wreck there may be help for you. Contacting a South Florida bike wreck injury attorney, who understands the complexities of motorcycle injury law may help you recover compensation for your damages and injuries.

News Contributor: Heather L. Ryan, legal news reporter specializing in motorcycle wreck injury news and rider safety.

With JusticeNewsFlash.com, lawyers, journalists, and other professionals have the opportunity to provide breaking news to their communities using an easy to access, convenient medium. Our consulting team of legal news reporters covers topics including biker and rider injury claims, motorcycle injury wreck lawsuits, personal injury legal actions, defective tires suits, brain and spinal cord injury court claims, and auto accident cases.

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