Bay Area (SFA) personal injury lawyer explores 217 remaining untested rape kits.

Bay Area (SFA) personal injury lawyer explores 217 remaining untested rape kits.


Alarmed Bay area negligent security attorney, Mary Alexander, states there are over 200 rape kits awaiting analysis in Los Angles. Every kit holds important information about the perpetrator. The Los Angeles Police Department has missed deadlines to prosecute more than 200 potential rape cases without testing DNA evidence. If processed sooner, this evidence may have led to arrests. The law firm of Mary Alexander is appalled the kits have remained in freezers awaiting testing. This is more disturbing knowing the federal government awarded the city nearly $4 million to improve the analysis capacity of its crime labs. California state law requires police agencies to notify rape victims if their evidence kits have not been tested within two years.

Dedicated trial lawyer, Mary Alexander, notes the following statistical information:

• The number of untested rape kits has risen by about 900 cases each year, to 7,038.
• 73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger
• 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail
• 46% of rapists released from prison were re-arrested within 3 years of their release.

San Francisco lawyers at the law firm of Mary Alexander & Associates believe if you have been victimized by a rapist, it is imperative you seek medical attention immediately. Contacting a strong victims’ advocate attorney may help you through this horrific crime.

Contributor: Mary Alexander, California serious injury lawyer with Mary Alexander and Associates with over twenty-five years skilled in many areas of legal expertise including personal injury lawsuits, wrongful death cases, and victim’s rights litigation.

44 Montgomery St # 1303
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 433-4440

JusticeNewsFlash is a legal news distribution network covering stories relating to personal injury cases, wrongful death lawsuits and victim’s rights.


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