Dallas Product liability lawyer on crib recall

Dallas Product liability lawyer on crib recall


Dallas Product Liability attorney reports that the CPSC has recalled cribs made by Simplicity between January 1998 and May 2007. Around 1 million units were sold in large department stores and children’s product stores worldwide.

According to the CPSC, it is possible that the drop-side can detach from the crib, which can, in consequence, create a dangerous gap and lead to entrapment and suffocation of infants. The drop-side failures result from both the hardware and crib design, which allow consumers unintentionally to install the drop-side upside down.If your child has been injured due to a manufacturing defect, contact the personal injury lawyer specializing product liability who are willing to bring serious lawsuits upon manufacturers and distributors of harmful products, such as these cribs.

Contributor: Amy K. Witherite – Texas Personal Injury Attorney, practicing Dallas Product liability lawyer – Amy is a frequent speaker at legal seminars on the topics of personal injury cases, trial strategies, and trial technique.

News source: American Injury News
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