Mesothelioma is currently the subject of several ongoing studies that seek to identify effective detection and diagnosis methods, symptoms, treatment, disease management techniques, and other relevant issues. The cancer remains one of the most difficult to diagnose and treat, and with a dramatic increase in the number of cases surfacing over the past few years, extensive research is needed for better understanding on how to combat the problem. However, research has contributed to the awareness of the cause of mesothelioma. Unlike some other types of cancer, mesothelioma is considered preventable because it is caused by exposure to the toxic mineral asbestos. Banned in most countries in the 1980s, asbestos was previously widely used in building, manufacturing, and even some commonly used household products. After evidence on the dangers of its use surfaced, legal action was taken to prevent more widespread illnesses caused by exposure. However, many individuals had already been regularly exposed on the job and in their homes.

The latency period for mesothelioma is normally very extensive, often lasting several decades. This is one of the issues that makes it extremely difficult to deal with medically. Organizations like the National Institute of Cancer are working to learn more about mesothelioma, and how doctors as well as patients can manage it more effectively.

Because the development of mesothelioma can often be attributed to the negligence or actions of someone other than the patient, it falls under the legal category of personal injury. Patients may be entitled to legal compensation for damages accrued as a result. Some organizations that are found liable for asbestos use may also be deemed to have a responsibility to assist in research for mesothelioma and other asbestos related illnesses. Like patients and physicians, these and other factors make it vital for asbestos and mesothelioma attorneys to have access to research as well, to more effectively assist clients with getting all of the compensation the law entitles them to for their injury. With the ongoing research efforts, there is a higher chance of learning how to effectively treat mesothelioma, and possibly find a cure.