First of 8,000 tobacco lawsuit cases goes to jury deliberation in Florida Supreme Court.

West Palm Beach, FL (–The Associated Press (AP) reported late Thursday, a Florida Supreme Court jury began deliberations in the first of about 8,000 lawsuits against tobacco companies. The lawsuit, filed by toxic tort lawyers representing Elaine Hess the widow of Stuart Hess, claims her dead spouse helplessly chain smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for decades.

The Florida Supreme Court declassified the $145 billion class action lawsuit against big tobacco manufacturers in 2006. The Florida Supreme Court ruled tobacco companies knowingly sold dangerous products and concealed the risks of cigarette smoking to consumers. The high court ruled each case would have to be litigated in court rooms individually. The plaintiff’s attorneys hope the jury finds Hess was addicted to nicotine which eventually caused his lung cancer and death.

The widow of Hess is seeking damages for the wrongful death of her husband from Philip Morris, the nation’s largest tobacco company. legal news for West Palm Beach personal injury lawyers.