Cenveo envelope plant worker dies in machinery accident.

Chicago, IL (JusticeNewsFlash.com)–Cenveo, a North Side envelope manufacturer, lost one of its plant workers on Tuesday night during a machinery accident. The Chicago Tribune reported Hiep Vu, a 54 year-old factory worker at the Cenveo plant located at 3001 N. Rockwell St., was found caught in machinery by two coworkers.

The plant workers freed Vu from the envelope machinery and called 911. Emergency medical personnel transported Vu to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center where the Melrose man was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) www.osha.gov and the Department of Labor (DOL) www.dol.gov are investigating the work related injury and death of Hiep Vu.

Ceneveo is headquartered in Connecticut and claims to have approximately 10,000 workers worldwide. The Chicago envelope plant is under review and according OSHA there have no other reported incidents.

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