Inspiration illuminated the international community when U.S. President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

West Palm Beach, Florida social responsibility news-President Barack Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

West Palm Beach, FL–President Obama stood in the light today and called the world to action again after learning he was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for Peace. As reported by CNN, President Obama simply said, “I am both surprised and deeply humbled.”

President Obama brought a glow to the true recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize when he further revealed the award would be shared with all people who strive for “justice and dignity”.

The 44th President of the United States, who took office some 9 months ago expressed, “I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments. But rather as an affirmation of American leadership…I will accept this award as a call to action.”

The response from President Obama has brightened the road to peace and unity. We can all choose to be the light. We can choose to step out of the dark where color is completely absent and step into the light of unity. The posture of light has a lot more contribution than floating in the darkness. We can choose as individuals to be the light. The United States’ agenda is moving forward. Inspiration is a forward motion. All we have to do is just ask to be inspired.

The Nobel Committee Chairman, Thorbjorn Jagland, stood before cameras on Friday and addressed one nation, the world, with simplistic clarity when he announced the 2009 winner of the annual peace prize. The Committee Chairman stated, “…for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

Florida social responsibility news by legal news reporter Heather L. Ryan