Auto Accident Attorney on Cell Phone Ban

Our roadways and interstates are dangerous enough with all the traffic, young and old drivers and distractions. A driver who is completing other tasks while driving their car puts many people, including himself, at great risk. Driver who talk on their cell phones, text message, eat, drink, or constantly change the music are a threat […]

Two trains collide in California, many left dead

Los Angles, California ( – News Report) – A collision has been reported of a commuter train that collided head-on with a freight train on the same track in California this morning. Officials state that the Metrolink train left Union Station in downtown Los Angeles and was headed northwest to Moorpark in Ventura County. The […]

Train collision kills parents and 6-day-old infant

Raleigh, North Carolina ( – News Report) – As the engineer of the Norfolk Southern train sounded his horn, the large freight train collided with a four-door car carrying a young couple and their six-day-old infant son. The train pushed the car about a quarter-mile down the track before it dragged to a stop. Both […]

Eighteen California hospitals have been fined for violating laws Educates

Los Angles, California ( – News Report) – Administering too much medication resulting in a patient’s death, leaving medical instruments inside patients and even failing to buckle a patient into his wheelchair resulting in a fall and death; each of these circumstances were caused by negligent or careless hospital staff in the past few months. […]

One driver, one collision, five deaths – Justice News Flash

Dallas, Texas ( — The church doors had just opened to what was a bright, beautiful Sunday morning in Plano, Texas. As the Hart family was driving back home from a wonderful service, an oncoming Pontiac ran a red light, hitting the minivan of Geoff Hart, and his family. Geoff, his wife, Christy, his 12-year-old […]