Legal News for Florida Personal Injury Lawyers– Construction accident leaves one man injured.

Emergency Medical Services airlift 1 injured worker after construction accident.

A construction worker employed by a company based in Lakeland, Florida was airlifted my emergency medical services (EMS) to a hospital in Pensacola after acquiring serious injuries on the job. According a report given by Northwest Florida Daily News, the 29-year old construction worker was injured in the process of helping his fellow workers lower a concrete wall into a ditch at about 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 24, 2009. The section of the wall apparently got caught on some dirt, causing it to come loose and pin him up against a concrete pillar in the ditch. According to the chief of the North Bay Fire Department, the worker was allegedly lying in the ditch complaining of pain that he was feeling in his pelvis and lower abdomen. Emergency medical personnel arrived at the construction site and preceded to lay him on a backboard in order to safely get him out of the ditch. Once out of the ditch, the injured construction worker was then swiftly transported by ambulance to Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Church to be airlifted to a Pensacola hospital from that location.

It was also reported that when Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Spokesman Mike Ward was consulted in the matter, he stated that construction companies were not obligated to report an accident unless it resulted in a fatality or the hospitalization of three or more workers.

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan-Legal News for Florida Personal Injury Lawyers.